Absa Corporate Logo


CSI Initiatives

  • Absa Group has implemented a purpose-led strategy with an enabling capability of playing a shaping role in society. Our ambition is to become a leading, purpose orientated, African business that is systemically rooted in the countries that we serve and that recognizes that our own sustainability is directly linked to the sustainability of the communities in which we operate.
  • The philsophy informs our business strategy and our approach to corporate citizenship. Each area of our business actively participates in and contributes to the implementation and delivery of our strategy. Our long-term aim is to generate substantial social impact through our core business functions. This will enable us to significantly impact some of the key challenges facing society.
  • We have identified 2 strategic areas where we believe we can make a real difference to address these challenges:
Education and Skills:
  • Ready to Work Programme
  • Ready to Work Intern Programme
Finance Incusion:
  • Colleague Engagement
  • Corporate Donations Programme
  • Policy Governance
  • How to get Assistance